
Autism '95, Continuing Education CreditsCertificate given for continuing education credits. As you can see, Thomas was in some really good company at this conference.

Council for Exceptional ChildrenThis is from a keynote Thomas did for CEC in Arkansas. He would love to do another conference for them someday.

Irlen Institute ConferenceThomas got no money for this one, instead he received a set of Irlen Lenses in return for this talk.

MAAP ConferenceThis one was damaged enroute back home from Indianapolis. This is from the 1996 MAAP conference. Thomas was to moderate a panel but he was really sick that day and did such a bad job that he has have never been invited back.

From a keynote talk Thomas did in New Jersey for SPAN.

Northeast Regional ConferenceAnother conference Thomas would like to do again sometime. Especially since he is now living in the Northeast!

First International Autism Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1993There were over 200 papers submitted for this conference and less than 60 were chosen. Thomas was one of them and the recording of his talk outsold all other recordings.