
House on Belden RoadThis is the house Thomas grew up in, in Columbus, OH.

Family PhotoPicture of Thomas's family, minus Thomas and his brother, James.

Mom and DadThese are Thomas's parents.

GrandparentsThomas's grandparents, who are no longer with us. :(

Dad on the ATVThomas's father showing his elusive playful side.

Cabin in TennesseeThe cabin in Tennessee.

CookieThomas's mother's cat, Cookie, catching some rays.

Reiki and CookieThomas just happened to snap this shot at just the right moment. It is his cat, Reiki (RAY-kee), pouncing on his mother's cat, Cookie. This is one of Thomas's favorite pictures.

Thomas and MaryThomas and his sister, Mary, back in the day. ACK! Did Thomas *really* wear those hideous pants? That panda belongs to Thomas's sister, who named him (her?), "Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."