Published Autism Articles

Social Story- It's Okay to Have AutismFor those of you who are using social stories, here is one that Thomas wrote. :) This was published in the Morning News, and it was the very first social story ever published about having autism.

An Introduction to AutismHere is a quick autism primer. Thomas will update this article soon. This was published in the ASA Advocate newsletter.

An Alternate Look at Autistic PerceptionsAn inside look at autism as published in the conference proceedings for the 1993 international autism conference in Toronto.

An Inside Look at Auditory TrainingA journal of Thomas's experiences as he underwent auditory training back in 1992.

Creating a Care Package for the Individual With AutismThis article was published in the 1995 ASA national conference proceedings.

Martial Arts as a Treatment for AutismOne of the most read articles on this site, here is a discussion of the possibilities of the martial arts as a treatment for the autistic disorder.

One Explanation of Sensory OverloadA personal (and at times intimate) look at the process and experience of sensory overload.

A Look at One RelationshipThis is an article Thomas wrote with Theresa Vincent. It was published in the Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.