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Colonel's Commission4883 viewsHonorary Colonel's Commission (and valid Title of Honor!) Thomas has received for his work in autism advocacy.

Thomas605 viewsPicture of Thomas, taken for an article in the Chicago Tribune.

Family Photo482 viewsPicture of Thomas's family, minus Thomas and his brother, James.

Thomas and Mary443 viewsThomas and his sister, Mary, back in the day. ACK! Did Thomas *really* wear those hideous pants? That panda belongs to Thomas's sister, who named him (her?), "Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."

Thomas's House419 viewsPicture of Thomas's house. He lives on the left. The chair was put out by the person who lives on the right.

Mom and Dad406 viewsThese are Thomas's parents.

Motorbike in the Back Yard387 viewsThomas's motorbike, just after being filled with gasoline for a ride around town.

House on Belden Road365 viewsThis is the house Thomas grew up in, in Columbus, OH.

Reiki (Pronounced, "RAY-kee")344 viewsPicture of Thomas's cat, Reiki.

Reiki and Cookie340 viewsThomas just happened to snap this shot at just the right moment. It is his cat, Reiki (RAY-kee), pouncing on his mother's cat, Cookie. This is one of Thomas's favorite pictures.

Autism '95, Continuing Education Credits339 viewsCertificate given for continuing education credits. As you can see, Thomas was in some really good company at this conference.

First International Autism Conference, Toronto, Canada, 1993326 viewsThere were over 200 papers submitted for this conference and less than 60 were chosen. Thomas was one of them and the recording of his talk outsold all other recordings.

Grandparents325 viewsThomas's grandparents, who are no longer with us. :(

Cookie315 viewsThomas's mother's cat, Cookie, catching some rays.

An Evening with Thomas313 viewsAdvertisement mailed for the "Evening with Thomas" workshop.

Dad on the ATV312 viewsThomas's father showing his elusive playful side.

Cabin in Tennessee310 viewsThe cabin in Tennessee.

Northeast Regional Conference307 viewsAnother conference Thomas would like to do again sometime. Especially since he is now living in the Northeast!

298 viewsFrom a keynote talk Thomas did in New Jersey for SPAN.

Advertisement295 viewsAdvertisement Thomas was handing out at conferences during the short time he was writing for the "Forever Friends" television series. Note that the address, phone number, and e-mail are no longer valid.