Most viewed - Articles Written About Thomas |

Man Sees Life in Picasso-Vision703 viewsFrom: Bedford Bulletin - 02/06/02
This appeared in the newspaper of Bedford, VA, shortly after his appearance on Oprah. He just *loves* the way this guy writes. He uses words like "Boisterous" and "Dreadful" and the Thomas favorite in the article, "Disconcerting Adventure." He can interview Thomas again any day. :)

Speaker Puts Face on Autism520 viewsFrom: Lynchburg News & Advance - 1999
This was an interview Thomas did shortly before moving next door to Bedford. He did a talk at Lynchburg College and was interviewed.

Autistic Writer Finds Voice, Delivers Message of Hope447 viewsFrom: Chicago Tribune - 07/28/94
His first interview. If you are going to start somewhere, the Tribune is a good place to start. This was very early in his career. and so, just as with the Gleaner interview above, it is obvious that Thomas had not yet figured out exactly what he was doing.

Man Now Speaks For Those Who Suffer in Silence433 viewsFrom: Columbus Dispatch - 01/13/95
His then home town couldn't ignore Thomas forever...

Autistic Author Offers Insight into Disorder Few People Understand412 viewsFrom: The Gleaner - 10/14/94
This is an article from Henderson, KY. Thomas did a keynote and they invited the local paper.