Thomas A. McKean's Media Gallery

Thomas A. McKean's Media Gallery
Home > Thomas > Audio > Original Songs

Most viewed - Original Songs
Build Me a Bridge: Live Version852 viewsAn autism song Thomas wrote in 1993, specifically for the International Autism Conference in Toronto. This song is lifted directly from the conference recording with no modifications or embellishments. What you hear is what really happened.
Lovely Tonight: Live Version664 viewsThis was a song Thomas wrote and performed at the 1993 International Autism Conference in Toronto. The song is lifted directly from the conference recording.
Soon Will Come the Light229 viewsLive version of Thomas's dual award-winning lullabye song, "Soon Will Come the Light." Duet with Thomas's friend, Joe.
Amazing Grace: Overlaid227 viewsThis was done around an hour before the concert began. Thomas (harmonica) and Carol (keyboard) playing around with "Amazing Grace." Recordings are overlaid on top of each other.
Feed the Flame221 viewsLive (concert) recording of "Feed the Flame", a song Thomas wrote for his friend Lisa a year to the day after her death in a car accident.
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