Most viewed - Published Works |

Social Story- It's Okay to Have Autism1174 viewsFor those of you who are using social stories, here is one that Thomas wrote. :) This was published in the Morning News, and it was the very first social story ever published about having autism.

An Introduction to Autism1103 viewsHere is a quick autism primer. Thomas will update this article soon. This was published in the ASA Advocate newsletter.

One Explanation of Sensory Overload1020 viewsA personal (and at times intimate) look at the process and experience of sensory overload.

An Alternate Look at Autistic Perceptions966 viewsAn inside look at autism as published in the conference proceedings for the 1993 international autism conference in Toronto.

A Look at One Relationship934 viewsThis is an article Thomas wrote with Theresa Vincent. It was published in the Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities.

Martial Arts as a Treatment for Autism933 viewsOne of the most read articles on this site, here is a discussion of the possibilities of the martial arts as a treatment for the autistic disorder.

Creating a Care Package for the Individual With Autism847 viewsThis article was published in the 1995 ASA national conference proceedings.

An Inside Look at Auditory Training826 viewsA journal of Thomas's experiences as he underwent auditory training back in 1992.

My Own Introduction to Autism765 viewsThomas's own introduction to autism and he found out about his diagnosis.

Building a Teething Ring For the Child With Autism754 viewsA possible solution to those with oral underdevelopment. If your child likes to eat or chew on things, this article may help you.

The Pain of Autism629 viewsAutism effects a person in more ways than we think...

News and Education of Autism584 viewsWhy it is so vitally important that the public be educated on the autistic disorder.

A Page of Hope578 viewsThere is hope. Always. Even when it seems there isn't. And sometimes, it can come from the most unlikely or unexpected places, as this article demonstrates.

Stardust Melodies565 viewsA few tips for helping your child with autism sleep through the night.

When Applied to Behavior507 viewsSome of Thomas's thoughts on ABA, Applied Behavioral Analysis.

Who Was That Masked Man?482 viewsWhy living with autism is a lot like wearing a mask.

Driven by Rage473 viewsA look at the little-known "Rage Factor" associated with autism.

Inside the Mind of Sensory Overload470 viewsWhat parent hasn't wondered what is going on in the child's mind during sensory overload? Maybe this article can help to answer that.

I'm Dreaming of a Quiet Christmas441 viewsThomas talks about what Christmas is like for those with the autistic disorder.

Cover Image: First Edition397 viewsScan of cover of first edition of Soon Will Come the Light.