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Second Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 2d.Peaks of Otter in 2d.Apr 27, 2009

Second Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 3-DPeaks of Otter in 3-D!Apr 27, 2009

First Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 2dPeaks of Otter in 2d.Apr 27, 2009

First Attempt: Peaks 0f Otter, 3-DPeaks of Otter in 3-D!Apr 27, 2009

VISA MagnetMagnetic strip from expired VISA.Apr 02, 2009

CD-ROM & DustDust sitting atop the recorded side of a CD-ROM.Apr 02, 2009

Cat HairPiece of fur from Thomas's cat Reiki (RAY-kee).Apr 02, 2009

Angel SoftAngel Soft (quilted!), up close.Apr 02, 2009

B is for Liberty?The "B" from the word "Liberty", off of a 1992 penny.Apr 02, 2009

A is for AutismThe "A" from "Autism" off of Thomas's Medic Alert bracelet.Apr 02, 2009

My TV remote.Dec 21, 2008

The tide is high, but I'm holding on!Dec 21, 2008

My friend Ted accidentally took this picture of his own hand.Dec 21, 2008

My father told me once that everyone needs a tea kettle, then he gave me this one. It was rusty when he gave it to me. That's my father! Dec 21, 2008

Meow! :)Dec 21, 2008

Yes, I have a church pew in my living room. So what? Doesn't everybody?Dec 21, 2008

My computer's mouse, complete with 11 buttons.Dec 21, 2008

Moonshot on a foggy night.Dec 21, 2008

Infomercial warehouse; Bedford, VA.Dec 21, 2008

The mighty shelf of heroes.Dec 21, 2008