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Notes on Using TENSArticle Thomas wrote on how to properly set and program a TENS Unit for maximum pain relief.Aug 27, 2007

All in the Family: Michael's Protest(DISCLAIMER: Views expressed within this document are NOT the views of the writer!)
Based on the TV series, "All in the Family". Thomas wrote this many, years ago, back before the days of everyone having to be "politically correct".
Michael attends a pro-abortion rally (the day after Roe v Wade is passed) and gets himself arrested.
Guess who has to bail him out of jail?
And he was having such a good day, too...
Apr 12, 2007

Dark and Stormy KnightThomas wrote this for his Beginning Composition class in college in 1989. The assignment was to write a "compare and contrast" essay. This essay also earned an A. :)Apr 12, 2007

Attitudes For AbortionThomas wrote this essay for college in the autumn of 1989. It got an A. :)Apr 12, 2007

Another Charlie Brown ChristmasThomas wrote this as a Christmas play for the children to do at his church. The children's leader wanted something longer, so Thomas is posting this here if you want to read it. This story takes place one year after "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
This play is written in Screenplay format.Feb 22, 2007

People of the TreeA bedtime story Thomas wrote with Melanie Jones back in the 90's for Melanie's daughter, Alesha. This was meant to be the first in a series, but the rest were never written. Even all these years later, Thomas still thinks this is a good piece of writing.Feb 19, 2007