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A Page of HopeThere is hope. Always. Even when it seems there isn't. And sometimes, it can come from the most unlikely or unexpected places, as this article demonstrates.Oct 30, 2009

Building a Teething Ring For the Child With AutismA possible solution to those with oral underdevelopment. If your child likes to eat or chew on things, this article may help you.Oct 30, 2009

Driven by RageA look at the little-known "Rage Factor" associated with autism.Oct 30, 2009

Who Was That Masked Man?Why living with autism is a lot like wearing a mask.Oct 30, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a Quiet ChristmasThomas talks about what Christmas is like for those with the autistic disorder.Oct 30, 2009

When Applied to BehaviorSome of Thomas's thoughts on ABA, Applied Behavioral Analysis.Oct 30, 2009

The Pain of AutismAutism effects a person in more ways than we think...Oct 30, 2009

My Own Introduction to AutismThomas's own introduction to autism and he found out about his diagnosis.Oct 30, 2009

Inside the Mind of Sensory OverloadWhat parent hasn't wondered what is going on in the child's mind during sensory overload? Maybe this article can help to answer that.Oct 30, 2009

SCRIPT - Phantom Stranger: A Grave SituationA young girl is needlessly blaming herself for her mother's death. What can the Phantom Stranger do to ease her troubled mind?Oct 19, 2009

SCRIPT - Hawkgirl: The Blue Smoke Wore a Red Dress (Complete)Hawkgirl is out shopping when she spots blue smoke wearing a red dress! Can she solve this mystery on her own?Oct 17, 2009

SCRIPT - Hawkgirl: The Blue Smoke Wore a Red Dress (Incomplete)A sentient creature of Blue Smoke appears in Midway City as Hawkman is out of town. Can Hawkgirl get to the bottom of this mystery? Who or what is Blue Smoke? Where did Blue Smoke come from? Hawkgirl intends to find out! (Completed version now available online.)Jul 18, 2009

Diane Kalning Interview: 2009Published interview with Diane Kalning.Apr 29, 2009

Second Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 2d.Peaks of Otter in 2d.Apr 27, 2009

Second Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 3-DPeaks of Otter in 3-D!Apr 27, 2009

First Attempt: Peaks of Otter, 2dPeaks of Otter in 2d.Apr 27, 2009

First Attempt: Peaks 0f Otter, 3-DPeaks of Otter in 3-D!Apr 27, 2009

VISA MagnetMagnetic strip from expired VISA.Apr 02, 2009

CD-ROM & DustDust sitting atop the recorded side of a CD-ROM.Apr 02, 2009

Cat HairPiece of fur from Thomas's cat Reiki (RAY-kee).Apr 02, 2009
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