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Viagra IISequel to earlier Viagra ad. Brian and Barton return, except this time they are at the beach, where there are strange goings-ons! What does this have to do with Viagra? Read it and see! Jan 15, 2011

Batman: Dark GenesisIncomplete audio drama script retelling the origins of Batman. Includes the first three pages, the death of Bruce's parents.Oct 30, 2010

Honk If You Missed MeShort story about a forgotten dog, and how he became UN-forgotten. Based upon a true story.Sep 27, 2010

Hangman-AAE (Autism Awareness Edition)Two versions of classic Atari 2600 game "hangman" modified by Thomas. One makes a regular hangman, the other makes a hangmonkey. Each version has 114 words associated with the disorder of autism.Sep 26, 2010

One Tea Too ManyLuAnn was having a great evening with her boyfriend when she was pulled over by the police on her way home. But why did the police pull her over? What did they do to her? Based upon a true story. Events in this story really did happen.Sep 22, 2010

Three Games: Wars in Heaven (Modified Atari 2600 COMBAT)Three more modified COMBAT games, this time with planes. ANGEL: Fly with an angel referee. CROSS: Fly through the gates of Heaven and battle on Holy Ground. GATES: Fly through the gates of heaven in a free for all dogfight. ZIP file contains all three BINary files, plus directions and screenshots of the three playfields. EXTRA: ZIP file has "extras" folder which has three additional (and ultimately "rejected") angel games by Thomas. Aug 04, 2010

Puzzle Tanks (Modified Atari 2600 COMBAT)Reworked maze to promote autism awareness. Move your tanks around the puzzle pieces to get your opponent. Includes main BINary file, directions, link to free emulators, and screen shots.Aug 03, 2010

ViagraIt starts with some guys in a bowling alley...Jun 07, 2010

Midol Liquid GelsLiz and Polly have tickets for the concert. But Liz isn't sure she can go. Until...?May 10, 2010

Honey Nut CheeriosA good old fashioned cowboy demonstrates the benefits of a breakfast with Honey Nut Cheerios.May 10, 2010

Personal InterviewsHere are a few personal interviews Thomas has given over the years.Mar 14, 2010

Newspaper Articles on ThomasHere are some articles about Thomas that have appeared in various newspapers around the country.Mar 14, 2010

Books - Promotional MaterialsHere are some promotional materials (sort of) from Thomas's two autism books. Covers both "Soon Will Come the Light" and the sequel, "Light on the Horizon."Mar 14, 2010

Autism at Home Series - Complete RunThe complete 11 issue run of Thomas's column published in the "Autism at Home Series" between 2008 and 2009. All files are in PDF format.Mar 14, 2010

SCRIPT - Wonder Woman: Searching for Noah (Incomplete)Part 1 of a 2 part epic adventure. Wonder Woman faces her greatest challenge ever as she aids in the search for a missing boy with autism! Part 2 is coming...Feb 01, 2010

OUTLINE - Super Friends: Small WonderYears after Wendy and Marvin leave, years after Zan and Jayna return to Exxor, the Super Friends reunite when one of them faces tragedy. Unknown to the Super Friends, the Legion of Doom is also back together, and they have hatched their most fiendish plot ever against the Super Friends! Includes the five original Super Friends and both sets of Junior Super Friends.Dec 18, 2009

OUTLINE - Super Friends: Small Wonder (Unofficial Director's Cut)The "Small Wonder" story the way it was originally meant to be told. This is the "Non-Rozakis" version and is not the official story. Please see other version for that.Dec 18, 2009

SCRIPT - Phantom Stranger: A Grave Situation (Revised)Revised edition of "A Grave Situation". This time I think I got it right.Nov 28, 2009

News and Education of AutismWhy it is so vitally important that the public be educated on the autistic disorder.Oct 30, 2009

Stardust MelodiesA few tips for helping your child with autism sleep through the night.Oct 30, 2009
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