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Time Out For Trouble (1961)Oct 27, 2013

Skateboard SenseAccidents with skateboards happen every day. See how to protect yourself.Oct 27, 2013

Say No to StrangersNot every one is as nice as they seem.Oct 27, 2013

Safety With AnimalsThey may look all cute and cuddly, but those animals have claws and teeth and they are not afraid to use them!Oct 27, 2013

Safety Patrol (1937)This one is in Thomas's top 10 favorites. This 1937 video was shown to kids in the school safety patrols to teach them how to patrol responsibly.Oct 27, 2013

Safety in Offices (1944)You wouldn't think there would be danger in an office. You would be wrong. Learn how to keep yourself and fellow employees safe in an office atmosphere.Oct 27, 2013

Patty Learns to Stop, Look, and Listen (1947)Join Patty as she learns how to cross the street safely.Oct 27, 2013

In Danger Out of DoorsOct 27, 2013

Fire: Patty Learns What to Do (1951)Patty returns four years later to learn about what to do in case of a fire.Oct 27, 2013

Petroleum SafetyOct 27, 2013

Crimes of CarelessnessOct 27, 2013

Blasting Cap Danger (1957)Oct 27, 2013

Accidents Don't Just HappenNo, Sir! They do not! Learn how to take those important steps to avoid accidents BEFORE they happen!Oct 27, 2013

Bicycle SafetyAnother bicycle safety video, in case one wasn't enough.Oct 27, 2013

Your Thrift Habits (1948)Learn to save money and be responsible. By using a graph!Oct 26, 2013

Your Junior High DaysJunior High is an exciting time in your life. But it's also different. Learn everything you need to know before your first day.Oct 26, 2013

What to Do On a Date (1958)If you want a second date with her, you had better watch this video!Oct 26, 2013

The Fun of Being Thoughtful (1950)Who knew that being thoughtful to others could be so much fun?Oct 26, 2013

The Bully (1952)Why you do not want to be a bully.Oct 26, 2013

Social Courtesy (1951)Be the nerdiest kid in class by following all the social rules.Oct 26, 2013
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